ELYSIUM Cell Bio Ita

ELYSIUM Cell Bio Ita is an academic spin-off accredited by the University Federico II of Naples, it has been founded and is managed by a team of researchers, experts in genetics genomics and translational research to apply discoveries generated during research in the laboratory, and in preclinical studies, to the development of trials and studies in humans.

Our mission is to perform highly innovative biotechnological research developing new diagnostic and therapeutics tools to address unmet clinical needs.


Zollo Massimo

Founder and CEO

Massimo Zollo: Full Professor of Genetics at the Faculty of Biotechnological Sciences of the Federico II University of Naples  and "Principal Investigator (PI)" with responsibility for a laboratory of molecular genetic research and diagnostics in the human field at the CEINGE "Franco Salvatore" (Centre of Genetic Engineering and Advanced Biotechnology) Center of Excellence of the MIUR.

His research carried out abroad and then in Italy (at Washington School of Medicine St. Louis Missouri (USA), Genentech Inc. South San Francisco, California (USA), Applied Biosystems Foster City, California (USA), Telethon Tigem San Raffaele Milano, TIGEM-CNR of Naples and finally at CEINGE / Federico II of Naples) are directed to studies in molecular oncology (breast cancer and brain tumors) and studies on genetic disorders of the central nervous system.  Scientific Responsible of the CEINGE TASK FORCE Covid 19 Project, POR FESR CAMPANIA 2014/2020 Priority Axis 1 Research and Innovation FIGHT AGAINST COVID -, Urgent measures regarding the containment and management of the epidemiological emergency from Covid 19. CEINGE TASK FORCE Management decree n.672020 Campania Region (announced with DGR n ° 140 of 03/17/2020; CUP D64I20000380002).

To date has produced over 137 scientific papers in international journals, 5 Books with curatorship, generating H-index = 40 and with 10,891 citations. Furthermore, to date Prof. Zollo is the inventor of 15 international patents, 4 of which have given rise to translational research activities and industrial products with Angelini Pharma, Advanced Application "AAA", Thrombogenics and Novartis.

Ferrucci Veronica


Researcher "type A" researcher (RTDA) at the Department of Molecular Medicine and Medical Biotechnology of the University of Naples "Federico II". She has a master's degree in Medical Biotechnology from the Faculty of Biotechnological Sciences of the Federico II University of Naples; PhD in Systems Medicine (Molecular Oncology curriculum) obtained at the European school of molecular medicine SEMM. 

To date, Dr. Veronica Ferrucci is the author of 30 scientific articles published in international journals with H-index = 11, and is also the creator and owner of n. 7 International Patents in the field of Diagnostics and Therapeutics. Participated in the CEINGE TASK FORCE POR FESR CAMPANIA 2014/2020 Project Priority Axis 1 Research and Innovation FIGHT AGAINST COVID -, Urgent measures regarding the containment and management of the epidemiological emergency from Covid 19 (Managerial Decree n.672020 Campania Region issued with DGR n °140 of 03/17/2020 in the year 2021-2022) coordinated by Prof. Massimo Zollo.

De antonellis Pasqualino


Researcher "type B" (RTDB) at the Department of Molecular Medicine and Medical Biotechnology of the University of Naples "Federico II". Degree in Biological Sciences University of Sannio; School of Specialization in Medical Genetics, University of Naples "Federico II". Participation in the development and holder of holder of n. 3 International Patents in the field of Diagnostics and Therapeutics. He worked with prof. Zollo participating in several European projects "European Embryonal tumor Pipeline" (FP6-LIFESCIHEALTH), and "miR34a functional regulation within the control of neuroblastoma tumor growth: a proteome analysis" (Prime -XS). From 2016 to 2020 dr de Antonellis worked at Sick-kids Toronto Ontario Canada first as Winner of the Fellowship International co-funded by the AIRC Foundation for Cancer Research (AIRC) and the European Union “Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action”, ( grant agreement No 609284) and subsequently as a post-doc in the laboratory of prof. M.D Taylor where he worked on preclinical models for the development of new targeted therapies for Medulloblastoma. During the dr. De Antonellis distinguished himself by winning the "The Exceptional Research Trainee Awards" at the Hospital for Sick Children's Research Institute, Developmental and Stem Cell Biology. 

To date dr. De Antonellis is the author of 34 scientific articles published in international journals with H-index = 21. He obtained the national scientific qualification for the sectors 05/I1 GENETICS and 05/E2 MOLECULAR BIOLOGY.